Monday 9 February 2015

A Wiser Person Brigitte Nicole

A Wiser Person Brigitte Nicole
I feel no experience is a waste of time. Good people, difficult people, bad situations, difficult moments, struggles, heartaches, challenges; they all help us grow, help us learn, give us lessons, give us precious wisdom. It prepares us for the future. It gives us insight so that we do not take the same paths that once lead us to grief and despair. A failed relationship teaches us to let go and move on. That lesson in the long run, teaches us strength and confidence and manifest itself into self-love because all the while we learn to give ourselves stronger boundaries and to caution ourselves to healthier relationships in our future. It’s a hard fact to accept but hardships make us grow and makes us stronger. If it challenges you, it will change you.
A stronger, wiser and a better person.